My Photo.

Download your official CEDoW photo to add to your Google profile.

No photo found; feel free to use this logo instead.

CEO staff or School Leadership should contact Helpdesk to arrange for a photo to be taken.

All other school staff can use their official school photo.

No photo found

To add this to your Google profile:

  1. Download the image - right click on it and select "Save Image As"
  2. Access any Google app (e.g. Gmail) from your browser
  3. Click the circle in the top right hand corner which displays your current image (or your first initial if you have not set one)
  4. In the popup, click the word Change which appears under your image and follow the prompts

If you do not have, or decline to use, a photo you can download the CEDoW logo to use as an alternative.

CEO staff or School Leadership can contact Helpdesk to arrange for a new photo to be taken.